Fermented fats

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Melt&Marble Partners With Valio to Develop Plant-Based Foods Containing Fermented Fats

Melt&Marble, a Swedish startup producing fat ingredients using precision fermentation, has partnered with major Finnish food company Valio to develop plant-based foods made with fermented fats. The long-term research collaboration will involve studying the properties of new types of fat produced by Melt&Marble, before commercializing plant-based foods containing the fats. These should have improved mouthfeel, structure, and succulence compared to existing plant-based alternatives. The fermented fats will need to gain …



Four UK Alternative Protein Centres to Work Together After Signing Memorandum of Understanding

Four UK-based alternative protein centres — the Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein (BCSP), the Microbial Food Hub, the Cellular Agriculture Manufacturing Hub (CARMA), and the National Alternative Protein Centre (NAPIC) — have announced their intention to collaborate after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Together, the centres will work to drive innovation in sustainable, nutritious, and accessible alternative proteins. The MoU will combine expertise in cellular agriculture, microbial protein innovation, …


New cellular agriculture scale-up facilities open in the Netherlands

© Cultivate at Scale

Two New Cellular Agriculture Scale-Up Facilities Launch in the Netherlands

Two new cellular agriculture scale-up facilities have opened in the Netherlands, as the country works to strengthen its position as a global leader in the sector and invest in the future of food. The facilities have been developed through a collaboration between several organisations — the Cellular Agriculture Netherlands Foundation (CAN), Biotechnology Fermentation Factory Ede (BFF), NIZO Food Research, Cultivate at Scale (CaS), Mosa Meat, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, …


Image: Qkine on LinkedIn

Qkine Launches Animal-Origin-Free & Food-Grade Growth Factors for Cellular Agriculture

Qkine, a producer of growth factors for cultivated meat and cellular agriculture, has launched a new product range. The new growth factors are animal-origin-free, food-grade, and subject to extensive quality analysis. They are produced using an efficient microbial fermentation process and provide proteins from agriculturally relevant species. The growth factors have been designed to meet the needs of customers developing dossiers for submission to regulatory authorities or conducting R&D focused …


National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre


NAPIC Becomes Latest Alternative Protein Innovation Centre to Open in the UK

The National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC) has been formally launched at the UK’s University of Leeds. It comes after the centre received £15 million in investment from two government funding bodies — the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Innovate UK. NAPIC is hosted by the University of Leeds and co-led with the James Hutton Institute, the University of Sheffield, and Imperial College London. Its aim is …


Fraunhofer IME develops new protein-based sweetener

© Fraunhofer IME

NovelSweets Project Develops Protein-Based Sweetener 10,000 Times Sweeter Than Table Sugar

Researchers at Fraunhofer IME have partnered with metaX Institut für Diätetik GmbH and candidum GmbH to develop a new type of protein-based sweetener. Called NovelSweets, the project is supporting the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in its efforts to reduce the sugar content of ready-made foods and beverages. The new sweetener is made from sweet-tasting proteins, molecules that occur naturally in some plants and bind readily to taste …


National University Singapore

© National University Singapore

Bezos Earth Fund Establishes Sustainable Protein Research Hub at National University of Singapore

The Bezos Earth Fund has announced the establishment of the Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein at the National University of Singapore (NUS), marking its first initiative of this kind in Asia. The centre, which is backed by a US$30 million grant, will focus on advancing sustainable protein research and the commercial development of alternative proteins in the region. The NUS centre will focus on key areas such as biomass fermentation, …


Myocopia & University of Helsinki develop growth free medium

Myocopia / University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki Develops “Game-Changing” Cultivated Meat Technology Without Growth Medium Using Stem Cells

Pekka Katajisto of the University of Helsinki’s HiLIFE (Helsinki Institute of Life Science) and his team at the Myocopia project have developed a technology based on stem cell research that they believe would allow the large-scale production of cultivated meat, thus bringing affordable products to the market. The Myocopia researchers argue that cultivating meat in bioreactors relies on expensive growth factors to make the cells grow and differentiate, and these …


John Hopkins College Studnents Alt Protein

©Jacob Lund - stock.adobe.com

USDA’s First Cultivated Meat Center “NICA” Opens Applications for Research Grants

The first US government-funded center for cultivated meat, the USDA’s National Institute of Cellular Agriculture (NICA) at Tufts University, has announced the opening of applications for its Seed Grant Program 2024.  Seed-level funding grants of $25,000 or $50,000 will be awarded to support fundamental or applied research in cellular agriculture, precision fermentation, and alternative proteins. Only primary investigators not associated with NICA are eligible to submit proposals. The new projects …



© Mosa Meat

EU-Funded Program “FEASTS” Sets Out to Research Cultivated Meat and Seafood as Future Proteins

The Fostering European Cellular Agriculture for Sustainable Transition Solution (FEASTS), a newly established research program funded by the EU, has launched this January to work on a three-year project on cultivated meat and seafood.  The program aims to gather comprehensive, “unbiased” information and technological knowledge about cell-based meat to establish a framework for sustainable production and promote the technology as a future protein production method. FEASTS is a consortium of …
