Aleph Farms' commercial cultivated beef steak prototype

© Aleph Farms


Aleph Farms Expands Production Capacity in Israel and Singapore for Cultivated Beef Steaks

Aleph Farms, which claims to be the first company to grow cultivated meat from non-modified cells, has announced strategic manufacturing agreements that will allow the company to scale and further commercialize its cultivated beef steaks in Israel and Singapore. “Israel and Singapore are the first two markets where we intend to launch our cultivated thin-cut steak. Building up production capacity quickly in those locations while keeping capital investment lean provides a …


seawith banner for its cultivated meat

© SeaWith


SeaWith & Esco Aster Leverage Microalgae to Accelerate Cultivated Meat Production 

Korean biotechnology startup SeaWith recently signed a new partnership to accelerate cultivated meat production with Esco Aster, the “world’s first” biomanufacturer with full regulatory approval for the commercial production of cultivated meat. “…this milestone allows Seawith to take our first step towards globalizing the production of cultivated meat” The proposed agreement will allow Esco Aster to assess and explore SeaWith’s proprietary, cutting-edge microalgae technologies in commercially cultivated meat projects. Dr. …
